Minutes of General Body Meeting 2017
North States Chapter of Anatomical Society of India, NSCASI
(Now known as North Chapter of Anatomists Society, NCAS)
Subject: Proceedings of the 12th Annual meet of the North States Chapter of Anatomical Society of India, NSCASI.
The Executive Meeting was held on 16th of September, 2017 at Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS), Dehradun. The following executive members attended the meeting:
⦁ Dr. S.L. Jethani
⦁ Dr. Subhash Kaushal
⦁ Dr. Patnaik V.V. Gopichand
⦁ Dr. Usha Chhabra
⦁ Dr. Rajan Singla
⦁ Dr. Lovesh Shukla
⦁ Dr. Harsimarjit Kaur
⦁ Dr. Kanchan Kapoor
⦁ Dr. Anshu Sharma
⦁ Dr. Tulika Gupta
⦁ Dr. Sonia Singh
⦁ Dr. Navita Aggarwal
⦁ Dr. Monica Gupta
⦁ Dr. Seema
The Genral Body Meeting (GBM) was held on 17th of September, 2017, at 2:00pm in the auditorium of Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences (HIMS), Dehradun and was presided over by Dr. Lovesh Shukla, President NSCASI. The decisions approved by the Executive Committee were put before the General House for their approval.
Following are the minutes of the meeting:
⦁ The meeting began with a welcome address by Dr. Usha Chhabra, General Secretary NSCASI. She welcomed Dr. Lovesh Shukla, President NSCASI; Dr. S.L. Jethani, Organizing Chairperson; office bearers of NSCASI, guests and delegates.
⦁ The minutes of the last GBM, which was held on 15th of October, 2016 at MAMC Agroha, were uploaded on the NSCASI website as no objections were received from any quarter. Therefore they were considered as approved.
⦁ Dr. Harsimarjit Kaur, Treasurer, presented the expenditure statement for the year 2016-17 which was duly approved and appreciated.
⦁ The names of the 13 new Life Members were approved by the General Body and were accepted as Life Members of NSCASI w.e.f 2017.
⦁ A resolution was passed under the chairmanship of Dr. Lovesh Shukla, to get the society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and authorized Dr. Usha Chhabra, General Secretary; to take all the necessary measures regarding the task of registration.
⦁ It was also decided that a new bank account should be opened after the registration of the society and this account will be used by all the conference holders in the future.
⦁ The General Body also decided to keep the Headquarter of the society at the Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College Patiala and all the Life Members of the NSCASI will remain the Life Members of the new registered society.
⦁ It was decided that the Life Membership Certificate will be signed by the President, General Secretary and Treasurer.
⦁ Elections for the office bearers of the Executive Committee were held for the year 2018. All members were elected unopposed. Office bearers for the year 2018 are:
President : Dr. S.L. Jethani Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun
Vice President : Dr. Rajan Singla Government Medical College, Patiala
Secretary : Dr. Usha Chhabra Government Medical College, Patiala
Treasurer : Dr. Harsimarjit Kaur Government Medical College, Patiala
Editor : Dr. Kanchan Kapoor Government Medical College, Sector 32, Chandigarh
Co-Editor : Dr. Anshu Sharma Government Medical College, Sector 32, Chandigarh
Permanent Members : Dr. Subhash Kaushal, Dr. Patnaik V.V. Gopichand
Executive Members : Dr. Anjali Aggarwal Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Dr. Brijendera Singh AIIMS, Rishikesh
Dr. Anjali Singla Bhojia Dental College, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh.
Dr. Anu Sharma Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana
Dr. Deepa Singh Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun
Dr. J.S. Kullar Government Medical College, Amritsar
⦁ The General Body approved the following venues for future CMEs:
2018- GMC Patiala
2019- DMC Ludhiana
2020- PGIMER Chandigarh
⦁ Dr. Lovesh Shukla, President, handed over the charge of the presidency to the newly elected Preisent, Dr. S.L. Jethani, Prof & Head, Deptt of Anatomy HIMS, Dehradun.
⦁ Dr. Usha Chhabra, Secretary NSCASI, concluded the GBM and thanked the House & Organizing Committee for the smooth conduction of the CME and Scientific Sessions.
⦁ Dr. Rajan Singla, Prof. and Head, Department of Anatomy, GMC Patiala; extended a warm invitation to all the delegates for the next CME at GMC Patiala.
Members bid farewell to each other in a happy mood and with a promise to meet next year at Patiala.
General Secretary
North States Chapter of Anatomical Society of India, NSCASI
(Now known as North Chapter of Anatomists Society, NCAS)
Upcoming Events-
- 1 st CME-cum-Conference of NCAS
- The first CME cum conference of North Chapter of Anatomists Society
(NCAS) is going to be held in the enthralling campus of Government Medical
College, Patiala (GOMCO) on 7 th of October, 2018. - The idea behind the theme of current CME is to delve into the world of
Radiology and hence touch upon this highly relevant integrated
interdisciplinary area of modern medicine. A galaxy of speakers will be
sharing the recent trends and advances of the field. - Brochure